BC Portfolio is a digital tool that allows you to consolidate and analyze several Business Cases from different angles: financial, key figures, strategy, resource consumption, risk profile, organizational benefit realization plans, etc. The tool can be used to create a unified Business Case or to compare Business Cases for multiple scenarios.
The BC Portfolio shows the impact for each organizational unit across multiple projects, which opens up entirely new opportunities for dialogue and clarification with benefit owners and other stakeholders.
BC Portfolio is implemented in a number of large as well as smaller companies and organizations. A requirement for the tool is BC Light to ensure consistency in the Business Cases.
- Consolidating multiple Business Cases into a unified Business Case for a program or a strategy.
- Overview of key figures as well as the estimated benefist and costs across the consolidated Business Cases.
- Enable prioritizing among a collection of projects.
- The tool can be implemented as part of a PMO or a portfolio manager role.
- Guidance and coaching of management regarding the most effective use of the portfolio management tool.
- Adaptation and implementation of the tool according to the needs of the organization.
- Training and support to ensure that portfolio management provides an effective outcome.